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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Justin Bieber Comes to Texas

Ah-warmth.  Sunny, too.  Very Mexican here so we went to El Mexicana restaurant for dinner.  Hmm.  Didn`t count on the menu being entirely in Spanish (and no pictures to point to). Fortunately our server spoke some English and we managed to get two plates of yummy Mexican food.  Then we took in the new Bieber movie in Rio Grande City.  Wow, in 3D no less.  We had to stand in line with 12 year old Hispanic fans (who screamed loudly during the film).  No one recognized us.  I guess all Canadians look the same.

Our campground at Falcon State Park is 45 minutes away from the movie theatre, on the Rio Grande river-the border of Mexico and in the middle of nothing!!!  When we got back to our campground at 10:30 we found the gates padlocked.  There was no way in.  We couldn`t go into town, it was too far back.  Our only option was to pull up to the padlocked gates and spend the night locked in as tightly as we could get.  It is kind of dangerous here at night (not just the animals-cougars, wild pigs, snakes and bunnies) but also the drug runners.  We got lucky-the Border Patrol drove up and let us in.  They weren`t messing around.  Not sure if the front gate was under surveillance or if they just happened to be out in the middle of nothing.


  1. Were you a star in the Bieber movie?
    Que tal su espanol?

  2. my nieces say that she was - she appeared 3 times and spoke - ROCK STAR

  3. No era una estrella! We're picking up the Spanish here.
