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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Edna, Texas-Lake Texana State Park

Spent two nights at this state park.  Weather has been very pleasant but a cold front is sweeping down this way from Canada.

We've hiked and biked around the trails at this park.  Nine-banded armadillos are as common as squirrels around these parts.  Wish we had a picture of one.  They are odd little things and they jump straight up in the air when they get spooked.  One of them ran out on to our trail right in between our bikes and Sid.  We jumped straight up and so did it.  No time to get a good picture.

The landscape is very much like Florida here; very flat and open with palm trees and swamps. Lots of wildlife at the campground.  Deer, racoons, armadillos, snakes, alligators.
We left Lake Texana for Goliad State Park and the landscape is changing.  We're seeing cacti, and mission-style architecture.

1 comment:

  1. Nice picture of the snake! I'd like to see a wild armadillo one day. I think it's hilarious how they'll jump straight up in the air. Did any of them roll into a ball?
