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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Goliad, Texas

Holy cow it's cold!
We're in downtown Goliad, a small Texas town.  The court house is right in the middle of town and the main street circles around it-much like Goderich, only Goderich is bigger.  There is an ancient tree on the lawn in front of the court house-it's called the hanging tree.  People really were hung from it's limbs.  The tree is called a "live oak".  We asked why (since aren't all living trees "live"?)  They're the only oak trees to keep their leaves all year-hence they're "live".

The "Hanging Tree"

Downtown Goliad

Everyone here drives a pickup.  It is unusual to see a man who's not wearing a cowboy hat.

Our Favorite Resturant in Port Aransas

Beach Campin'

Scrimp Boat

We're taking a day trip to the Gulf Coast-Port Aransas, to see if we can buy us a mess 'o shrimp.  We're gonna have us a shrimp boil tonight.

Scrimp Boil with salad and Garlic Bread, yum

 Our campground was at Goliad State Park, on the San Antonio River.  The park offers a variety of flora and fauna along several nice trails.

Sid plays fetch at our camp site

Goliad State Park and Mission

The park is also home to the Presidio La Bahia and the Mission Espíritu Santa.  The Mission was established in 1749 to Christianize the Indian locals. We toured to Mission grounds and included exhibits.

Mission Bell tower

Presidio La Bahía was designated a National Land Mark in 1967

The Mission Bell

The Presidio chapel still serves as a community church.


  1. Booker! Its TB! Sounds like the journey is going pretty good! I really hate to bug you but I was wondering if you could type me up a quick reference letter for my Sheridan app. If your too busy I understand and sorry to ask for this while you are on your adventure.But if you can my email is Thanks buddy hope the trip continues to be wicked decent!

  2. TB.
    Check with Mr. Crunback, I sent him a letter.
